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Americans believe that tobacco, sugar and alcohol are more dangerous than marijuana

Law enforcement agencies, along with politicians, are trying so hard to keep Americans from harming their own health that they should break into people's homes and simply seize sweets, cookies and sugar. This is because sugar and other treats are more dangerous and addictive foods than cannabis. Today, most Americans agree with this fact, and I really think that sugar is very dangerous for health and, apart from a pleasant taste, is not endowed with any useful properties.

According to a new survey, Americans believe that tobacco is the most dangerous (50% of the population cast their votes). In second place was alcohol (25%), then sugar (14%) and then marijuana (9%). Out of 2,000 people surveyed, only 2% of people considered the above products to be completely safe. And after all this, reasonable questions arise, why are alcohol, sugar and tobacco still produced and sold on the market? Why does the federal government classify marijuana as a banned product, and equate it to the same dangerous as heroin and LSD? Why don't the police break down doors for cigarettes (which contain a lethal dose of toxic additives) or alcohol, but detain those who sell cannabis? And the conclusion is very simple: if cannabis is classified as a powerful drug, then alcohol, sugar, and even fast food should also be banned and should be reclassified as very dangerous substances.

Prohibition attempt

In 1920, America already had similar precedents - for the first time a dry law was introduced, in which the content and use of alcohol was strictly prohibited, as marijuana is currently prohibited. A huge number of people were arrested for possession of alcohol, and all their property was confiscated. After all this, violence and gang brawl increased greatly. For all 13 years, the Americans adhered to Prohibition, and in 1933 it was finally abolished.

A little later, another era started, which created a new propaganda and most people firmly believed that marijuana drives a person to madness, forcing them to jump from rooftops and laugh hysterically. After that, law enforcement agencies and politicians began to sincerely believe that now they are obliged to protect Americans from a dangerous plant - marijuana.

Negativity towards marijuana in society is fading

Violations of privacy and personal property have spread rapidly in society, through the media and social networks, imprisonment and legal proceedings, behind all this, marijuana is receding into the background and attitude towards it is gradually fading.

Today, marijuana is a well-known medicinal drug. It helps to withstand the severe pain of cancer and helps to cope with many other diseases. But the most important thing is that in our time more and more people are beginning to understand that marijuana is not scary, but there are much more terrible products. For example, tobacco, sugar and alcohol.