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Cannabis varieties

In a huge variety of different varieties of hemp with all the nuances of distinctive properties, it is difficult to understand not only a novice grower, but even a sophisticated grower can sometimes not immediately navigate the features of a particular plant variety.

Not for nothing they say: how many people - so many preferences. Before you begin to understand the particulars and subtleties, you need to know the general classification of cannabis, then it will be much easier to navigate when studying specific properties and features.

Cannabis varieties are divided into:



From the vegetation phase to flowering, varieties belonging to the first group pass depending on the length of daylight hours. Therefore, the grower must strictly adhere to the 18/6 lighting regime during the active growth period, and not miss the moment when it is necessary to switch the lighting cycle to the 12/12 regime. After this, the period of flowering and ripening begins.

The second type of cannabis is the exact opposite of the first. Autoflowering strains contain genes for ruderalis, a wild hemp that naturally flowers after a certain period of development and growth. Due to this property, autoflowering varieties quickly go through the vegetative phase and begin to bloom.

In addition to this variety are divided into:



Both male and female plants can sprout from the seeds of the first group. The name of the second group speaks for itself - only female plants are guaranteed to grow from them, and this fact does not affect the stability or other properties of cannabis in any way.

A separate group - medical varieties, they are particularly clean. Can be used to effectively treat a specific disease.

Seeds of excellent quality of all varieties of cannabis you can buy at the best price in our online store. Easy payment and prompt delivery guaranteed.