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Marijuana seeds in 19th century medicine.

The first researchers of the properties of medical marijuana seeds were faced with several side effects that drugs based on them produce, and problems in the manufacture of drugs. However, scientists were able to see the great potential of medical cannabis and took every step to overcome the difficulties associated with its use.

Despite the identified difficulties, most of which were associated with the inability to determine the level of active components in the seeds and the problem of choosing the method of their introduction (modern technologies have made it possible to solve these issues), studies of the promising drug did not stop.

Medical experts have found that hemp seeds offer several significant benefits over other substances used as painkillers, sedatives, and sedatives. Cannabis derivatives are characterized by an extremely low level of toxicity. Hemp seeds do not cause dysfunction of the vegetative systems, while opiates interfere with the active work of the endocrine glands, cause serious disturbances in the processes occurring in the gastrointestinal tract, and suppress the cough reflex.

The psychotropic effects of hemp seed preparations have been studied along with their physical effects since the first studies of their medicinal properties. In the 19th century, doctors already tried to find out the applied significance of this feature of cannabis. Scientists have found that marijuana seeds first gently stimulate and then calm the higher centers of the brain.

In 1887, one of the prominent physicians of that time, Dr. Hare, proposed such a possible explanation for the mechanism of action of cannabis as an analgesic: the removal of a pain symptom is accompanied by an interesting mental state into which the patient falls when taking the medicine; at the same time, the pain seems to "move away" from the patient's consciousness, and gradually "disappears away." He associated this sensation with another characteristic effect produced by cannabis seed preparations - "prolongation of time."

Cannabis from marijuana seeds is officially recognized as a medicine throughout the world.

The position of medical cannabis was strengthened by the publication of Dr. Osler's standard medical textbook in 1916. Cannabis is included in this manual as a recognized remedy for migraine. This meant the recognition of cannabis-based drugs as traditional medicine. And now the exotic drug has become a standard prescription drug.

Modern scientific research not only opens up new possibilities for the use of medical marijuana, but also confirms the conclusions made by doctors more than a century ago. How will the struggle between natural and synthetic drugs end this time?

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