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The effect of marijuana on the human body

Cannabis has been scientifically proven to destroy some of the cells in glioma, the most dangerous form of brain tumor. Human studies have not been conducted, the data are based on the results of experiments with mice.


Slight improvement in visual acuity. The mucous membrane that secretes the fluid that moisturizes the eye contains a large number of receptors. By acting on them, hemp lowers intraocular pressure and helps to cure glaucoma. It may also be useful in treating inflammation of the retina.

Limbo system

Decreased anxiety and nervousness. Cannabis stimulates the neurons that produce dopamine in the limbic system (the brain of emotions). In small doses, it helps to ease anxiety, in large doses, it causes the exact opposite reaction.


Immediately after smoking cannabis, the heart rate increases by about 30-40 beats per minute. The effect is observed within an hour.


Suppression of nausea. Cannabis helps to suppress nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy and AIDS drugs. Appetite stimulation. Cannabis slows down the actions of the satiety control center located in the center of the hypothalamus. It stimulates appetite in AIDS and cancer patients. Cannabis is being researched for the treatment of anorexia (complete lack of appetite)

Spinal cord

Separating effect. Cannabis stands between aspirin and morphine in a number of analgesics, far superior to the first and inferior to the second. Research aimed at mass-producing hemp-based painkillers is underway in several countries. The first drugs, tested in England, help to overcome the pain of arthritis, cancer, migraines, rheumatism.

The immune system

Stimulation of antibody production. Cannabis acts on the immune system in ways that have never been known before. In small doses, it can increase immune defenses. It is applicable in the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract, diseases of the skin and genitourinary system, bronchopulmonary and inert diseases.


Improvement of initial motor functions. Studies have shown that small doses of cannabis relieve muscle spasms in patients with atherosclerosis. Cannabis is also used by some epileptics to better control their movements.