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A dozen facts about cannabis

  • 28 June 2022 14:38:26
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1. Marijuana - crushed dry flowers and cannabis leaves.


2. 162 million people use marijuana at least once a year and this means of relaxation is the second most popular after alcoholic beverages.


3. 40% of American schoolchildren have tried “weed”, 20% use it regularly for fun and relaxation.


4. Scientists say that death will occur after smoking 800 joints in a row. In this case, the body will not be poisoned by cannabinoids, but by carbon monoxide. So far, no deaths have been reported from cannabis use. To find out what dose would be lethal to humans, experiments were carried out on dogs, all the experimental subjects remained alive.


5. The name "marijuana" comes from Mexico. It is consonant with the names of Maria and Jane (Juana) and initially the sailors called brothels with this word.


6. In an optimal environment, a hybrid or varietal cannabis plant is able to add 3-5 cm per day. Hemp is able to bloom and bear fruit if it has reached a height of about 50 cm.


7. Tetrahydrocannabinol - a substance that produces the main psychoactive effect when using marijuana - causes a distortion of the perception of time, exacerbates taste sensations, promotes fun and relaxation. The content of THC in marijuana depends on the variety or hybrid from which the “weed” was obtained, the proportion of leaves and flowers in the product, weather conditions, soil, harvest time. The minimum THC content for a relaxing or uplifting effect is 3%.


8. In the UK, marijuana is illegal, but the only punishment for people who have it in small quantities is the confiscation of cannabis.


9. Until 1942, marijuana was one of the drugs that could be bought for medicinal purposes in any American pharmacy and even in many supermarkets. Cannabis was supposed to help get rid of nausea, rheumatic and other pains.


10. The first country in the world that decided to legalize medical cannabis in our time was Canada, where in 2003 they allowed the use of cannabis for patients who suffer from severe pain.


11. But before Canada decided to legalize, in the United States, some states allowed the use of medical marijuana with the recommendation of doctors. California was the first such state in 1993.


12. 85% of all cannabis on the planet is grown indoors.

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