Cannabis analysis: types of testing and how to get around
- 28 June 2022 14:38:26
- Views: 1106
In an era of cannabis availability, employers are forced to test employees to see if they use psychoactive substances and how often they do so. Managers of enterprises are interested in labor efficiency, so their desire to control the state of the body is fully justified.
Types of analysis for marijuana
Drug dispensaries can test for cannabis in the body in the following ways:
Saliva analysis. This is a quick study, usually used in random checks of personnel;
Analysis of urine. THC persists in a biological sample for more than 3 weeks, so testing is ordered if recent cannabis use is suspected;
Blood study. This analysis allows you to get fast results. Cannabinol is stored in the blood for up to 7 days, in heavy smokers - up to 25 days;
Hair testing. This is the best way to confirm or disprove recent smoking, as THC stays in the hair for up to 90 days, and chronic smokers for six months.
How to cheat a cannabinoid test
Molecular traces of THC can be present in biosamples from a matter of days to several weeks, so don't expect the substance to disappear on its own. Before taking the test, you need to flush the body, using a large amount of water, cranberry juice or diuretics. The removal of psychoactive substances is facilitated by intense physical activity, sauna visits and other activities that stimulate metabolism.
On the day of your test, drink plenty of water to minimize your THC levels. Do not interfere with the use of nutritional supplements along with vitamins that have creatinine in their composition. On the eve of the test itself, go to the toilet to remove copious amounts of fluid. This approach will significantly reduce the content of metabolites.